News Article Allies adds IP address geolocation to Postcoder

Jasmine Robinson Madden

Allies is pleased to unveil a new Postcoder feature that provides geolocation information for IP addresses around the world.

Allies adds IP address geolocation to Postcoder

The new API endpoint enables developers to retrieve a range of location-based details such as the country, timezone, coordinates, EU membership status and approximate location associated with an IP address.

These comprehensive details can be leveraged in a variety of ways. For instance, businesses can use the data to pre-fill a user’s country in an address lookup form or to provide location-specific content, enhancing user experience and engagement.

“We’re excited to launch this new capability alongside Postcoder’s extensive range of other features.” said Allies CEO, Dan Cooper. “By leveraging geolocation, businesses can infer the geographic context of their users to create more personalised and efficient experiences.”

example code returned by the IP to geo endpoint

Additionally, geolocation can assist in fraud detection and prevention by identifying suspicious activity based on geographical discrepancies. By cross-referencing the IP address location data with user-provided information, businesses can more effectively flag potential fraudulent transactions and protect their customers.

To try Postcoder IP address to geolocation, developers are encouraged to sign up for a free trial and then check out the endpoint reference for full details.

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