News Article Allies is Cyber Essentials certified

Jasmine Robinson Madden

Allies is pleased to announce it has been awarded a Cyber Essentials certificate of assurance for 2023. This certification verifies the resilience and security of its IT systems against cyber attack.

Allies is Cyber Essentials certified

Cyber Essentials is a UK Government backed accreditation scheme to help organisations protect themselves against cyber attacks. It sets out five security controls that can protect organisations against 80% of common cyber attacks. Vulnerability to basic attacks can mark organisations out as targets for in-depth attention from cyber criminals.

Cyber Essentials certification proves that an organisation has technical controls in place to prevent the most common attacks. The IASME Consortium manages the certification process.

Tim Stephenson, Head of DevOps, said that Allies takes cyber security seriously. He said: “We decided to undertake the Cyber Essentials assessment to help validate our internal systems and policies. Cyber Essentials is an industry recognised and Government backed scheme which sets out a robust set of security requirements & guidance designed to help protect organisations from increasing threats of cyber attack.”

“We are delighted to have gained the Cyber Essentials certification as this reaffirms our team’s dedication to secure operation and look forward to continuing to strengthen our capabilities in this area.”

Dan Cooper, CEO adds, “Cyber Essentials certification allows us to reassure current and prospective customers that our technology platform is well protected against cyber attack. We’re pleased to demonstrate our continuing commitment to keeping our business secure with Cyber Essentials.”

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