News Article Allies reports on how to maximise cloud value in 2021

Jasmine Robinson Madden

Allies has today released a report on maximising the value of the cloud within organisations in 2021. The insight draws upon their in-house expertise and the findings of a recent survey that the company carried out, in which 200 employees across the UK were asked about their cloud experiences and plans.

Allies reports on how to maximise cloud value in 2021

Over half of those surveyed, comprising middle to senior IT employees, said Covid-19 had increased their organisation’s rate of cloud adoption in 2020. Unsurprisingly, the global pandemic was also ranked as the most frustrating factor during cloud adoption over the last 12 months, as people struggled to work safely and collaboratively at distance.

Allies found that many IT leaders underestimate the value of a strategic vision for using the cloud, with almost one in four people saying their organisation had no cloud strategy, or at least if it did, they were unsure of what it was. Dan Cooper, Allies CEO, responded: “You can undeniably create great things without a cloud strategy but those things may waste investment and may not add the crucial value that your business needs to succeed.”

The survey revealed the most popular methods that organisations are using to migrate their workloads to the cloud in 2021, from lifting and shifting to refactoring and rearchitecting. It also showed that many organisations are increasingly using the cloud for more than just the traditional use cases of storage and compute. Indeed, almost a third of those surveyed said they were now using the cloud for machine learning and AI.

Cost visibility and cost optimisation in the cloud were also investigated through the survey. Over 15% of the participants said they could not easily drill-down to see the cost of each workload in the cloud, with others going further to say “the most frustrating part of cloud adoption process over the past year for me was the complexity of billing” and “billing…. information saturation but not in a meaningful way”.

Allies Computing started to offer Amazon Web Services consulting services at the start of 2020, leveraging the expertise and experience that its AWS certified team has gained through developing their own technology platform on the AWS cloud since 2010.

For the full report and recommendations from Allies:

For more details about AWS consulting from Allies:

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